On Wed, Nov 23, 2005 at 10:34:08AM -0500, Vivek Khera wrote:
> Last week, I installed from a 6.0-RELEASE cd onto a generic opteron  
> box and I get the beastie menu (albeit beastie is replaced with a  
> "FreeBSD" image).
> Thus, I am confused by this entry in the release notes.  Can anyone  
> clarify which way the boot menu/prompt should be defaulted?
I have only noticed that beastie is replaced with "FreeBSD" in
default installation, but I am no expert regarding boot menu
changes. ;-)

Default behaviour afaik is to display "FreeBSD" - which you might
want to call a 'political correctness patch' (*), but this can be
changed - insert the following into your /boot/loader.conf:


to get the old beastie ascii-image back - and if required, even
in color.

Holger Kipp

(*) I always wonder if people never understand the difference
    between demons (archfiends or beasts) and daemons (divine power,
    fate, or god). See also
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