> Joel Hatton wrote:
> > What was the rationale behind changing this behaviour for 206_1?
> That xterm should install as xterm and not xterm-static.

This is certainly sensible, however it appears that the onus has now been
put on the maintainer of xorg-clients to change its installation process
to accommodate xterm. This hasn't happened yet (after cvsup this morning),
which means that xterm remains incompatible with the current xorg-clients
version and thus will fail during every portupgrade -a until then, unless
I make xterm a held package.

According to UPDATING, upgrading "xorg-clients to 6.8.2_1 or newer" is ok,
but this is not the case:

# pkg_info -I xorg-clients\*
xorg-clients-6.8.2_1 X client programs and related files from X.Org

# portupgrade -p xterm

... (building)

--->  Installing the new version via the port
===>  Installing for xterm-206_1

===>  xterm-206_1 conflicts with installed package(s): 

      They install files into the same place.
      Please remove them first with pkg_delete(1).

Couldn't this transition have been better managed?


-- Joel Hatton --
Security Analyst                    | Hotline: +61 7 3365 4417
AusCERT - Australia's national CERT | Fax:     +61 7 3365 7031
The University of Queensland        | WWW:     www.auscert.org.au
Qld 4072 Australia                  | Email:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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