On 11/16/05 07:49, Lars Kristiansen wrote:
I had an infinite while loop running during the
kernel compilation, printing out 'swapinfo' every
15 seconds. The last output before the machine goes
dead is this:
/dev/ad0s1b 39848 11820 39848 30%
/dev/md0 131072 5908 131072 5%
Total 170920 17728 153192 10%
Quite possibly not related, but on 5.4 I can reliably cause a panic by
attaching md0 to a file residing on an NFS drive and then use it for
swap. After 3-5k of used swap on md0, the box dies and reboots. If I run
"swapon" directly on the NFS file, things work fine, but it did mean
that I couldn't use the default "addswap" rc script to set up the swap
on my diskless system.
I'm not sure whether it's supposed to work or not, but I haven't had
time to look into it yet. Just thought it might be another datapoint for
someone in the know to consider, just in case it is related.
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