> You have an option to use the FreeBSD agp device support or nVidia's. I 
> have no idea what criteria one might use to select between them.
> > i'll try recompiling this evening the port and try a boot -s :)
> If the device is loaded from /boot/loader.conf you might need to disable 
> that in order for the boot to single-user to work. YMMV.

the upgrade was successful! tnx, jan, for the tips and the list for accurate 
information on this subject.

overview of the 5.4-release to RELENG_6 upgrade:

following the steps as described in the UPDATING document

with additional disabling of '3th party' modules (see also [1] in updating)

nvidia driver: comment out nvidia_load=YES in /boot/loader.conf
linux emu: comment out linux_load=YES in /boot/loader.conf
vmware: chmod a-x of /usr/local/etc/rc.d/rtc.sh and vmware.sh

at this point i recompiled successfully the new nvidia driver.  

tnx everyone and esp. the freebsd team for this release!


> -- 
> jan grant, ILRT, University of Bristol. http://www.ilrt.bris.ac.uk/
> Tel +44 (0)117 3317661   http://ioctl.org/jan/
> Goth isn't dead, it's just lying very still and sucking its cheeks in.


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