On Wednesday 09 November 2005 14:41, Alistair wrote:
> Michael C. Shultz wrote:
> >On Wednesday 09 November 2005 13:46, Paul T. Root wrote:
> >>This script is one of the most frustrating things ever
> >>written.
> >>
> >>[Snip]
> >
> >As an alternative to gnome-upgrade.sh you may want to consider
> >using sysutils/portmanager, all you need do is run
> >
> >portmanager x11/gnome2
> >
> >It'll do the upgrade no problem, tested it twice now myself.
> >
> >-Mike
> Paul
> This script was the source of my many frustrations.  On a dual-boot
> Gentoo Linux (production) and FreeBSD (new) server, the script ran
> night-after-night on a 2GHz P4 with no sign of completion.
> I admit that my experience of FreeBSD is limited, but my BSD experience
> is sound and my Linux experience is extensive, but this one caught me out.
> I think it really is a documentation problem.  As far as upgrading Gnome
> is concerned, the message I got from the web site was that just running
> the script was OK.  It should have said, run this script to update
> Gnome, but lots of functionaliity of your FreeBSD machine will be
> unusable while it runs and it might take many days to complete, even on
> a fast machine.
> Also, documentation of portmanager is almost entirely lacking.  It is
> not (AFAICT) mentioned in the handbook at all.
> I had such high hopes for FreeBSD 6 because earlier releases have been
> so nearly ideal for one machine I have that shamelessly functions as
> both a powerful 64-bit workstation and a file server.  However, my
> experience installing it on a 32-bit dual-boot-disc Gentoo Linux box has
> been unsatisfactory (at least partly, if not mainly, my fault) so I
> think I may do the safe thing and stick to Linux.
> Regards
> Alistair
> 1973 MG Midget, with all the Frontline Spridget mods, except the K-Series!
> That little monster can still better my 911 hands down in some tight
> twisty bits!

Here is a link to portmanager's submission for the handbook:

http://portmanager.sunsite.dk/distfiles/ports-using.html see section 

and the PR of the submission


Then of course there is the man page portmanager(1)

or its website



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