On Tuesday 08 Nov 2005 00:30, Stephen Hurd wrote:
> > I installed from two CDs, and got a working KDE system.  Now, I want to
> Heh, essentially the problem is this... before a release, the ports tree is
> stabalized... everything builds and works together, broken dependencies are
> fixed, all is good with the world.  This is the ports tree which is
> included in the release.
> After the release, More Stuff (tm) is added/updated/etc.  By doing a cvsup,
> you asked for the "newest" version of all the ports, one which is not
> necessarily stable... dependencies may be broken, things may not work etc.
> Doing a cvsup in ports is like tracking -STABLE for ports.  If you had not
> done the cvsup, FF would have built and installed nicely.
> IMHO, CVSupping ports is subject to the same caveats as tracking -STABLE
> (See section 20.2.2 in the handbook)
Hi, Stephen
You have hit the nail on the head!  I fundamentally misunderstood the purpose 
of CVSupping ports.  It is not like syncing in Gentoo at all!  I probably did 
not read the manual carefully enough; I got the idea that it was something to 
do routinely before making a kernel.

To all others who responded.  Thanks!  It is true what they say about the 
great level of user support for FreeBSD.

I will take the Gentoo machine down again at the end of the week when it is 
not needed and start afresh with 6.0, and try to do it properly next time!

All the best
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