This is very confusing:

I have a mount_autofs man page that is installed.  I do not know when it
was placed in there, but it has a date of Nov 9, 2004
on /usr/share/man/man8/mount_autofs.8.gz.

The history, however, says "The mount_autofs utility first appeared in
FreeBSD 6.0." which is not true.  mount_autofs is not being built in
6.0-stable.  Looking in the /usr/src/sbin/Makefile, it is not traversed.

The dates in there seem a little wacky too:

ls -l /usr/src/sbin/mount_autofs/

-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   213 Sep  8  2004 Makefile
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  2351 Jan 24  2005 mount_autofs.8
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  2883 Sep 12  2004 mount_autofs.c

There is also references to libautofs as well as a man page
and /usr/src/lib/libautofs which isn't built either.

There doesn't appear to be enough information anywhere as to how one
would setup support if it were indeed in there.  Googling "freebsd
autofs" indicates that freebsd 6 integrated autofs support (part of
google summer of code?).

Was this pulled from the release?  Was autofs support suppose to go in
(and was actually built at one point), then removed from 6-stable?


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