> Just a few words on that point ... after some use of mergemaster, it
> seems to me that a big part of /etc have to be update blindly for most
> users (things in rc.d, and some other places where there's files that
> haven't to changed or that are system script that most users won't
> modify.)
> I hadn't time to add a possibility for mergemaster to perform blind
> updates of such files[1], but it seems not so complicated to do so.
> Does anyone else thinks that's an interesting idea ?
> [1] : providing a list of directories and/or files to mergemaster for
> which blind updates could be perform, for example ...

Interesting, but for mine it sounds like more complexity than needed. I'd
be happy with a simple option to automatically replace any files with newer
CVS ID, and just make sure I took a backup of /etc before beginning.


-- Joel Hatton --
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AusCERT - Australia's national CERT | Fax:     +61 7 3365 7031
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