Subhro wrote:

Sebastian Holmqvist sat at his 'puter and typed on 10/1/2005 17:45:

Running the latest BIOS version yes. Also running Fail safe options with the exception on that I've but the cdrom on first boot device. The cable setup is IDE1 <- HD0 (M) <- Cdrom (S). So yes, they're on the same cable with manual M/S-setup.

// Sebastian Holmqvist

Great. FreeBSD, unlike Linux and Windowz is very very fusy about hardware. As per the IDE specs, the master drive should always be at the end of the cable. The middle is occupied by the slave drive, which is not your case. For a start, I would try fixing that. Also it is recommended not to mix drive types on a single bus. Therefore it would be highly recommended to move the optical drive to the secondary bus. Also do not rely on CS. Ecplicitly jumper them as master and slave.

Actually, my understanding of the specifications is that the only time
you are required to place the master at the end of the cable is when
it is the only device in the chain.  If there are two devices in the chain,
then either can be Master and provide the timing for both.


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