On Tuesday 27 September 2005 17:56, stanley jobson wrote:
> > It seriously looks like the printer, cable or port are broken, or the
> > printer  is very very special..
> >
> > What sort of printer is it?
> its a canon lbp 460 - ugly gdi printer :)

Hmm, well lots of printers these days are raster only..
I'd  recommend buying an Epson since they are usually more functional than 
Canon in !Win32.

> > You could try printing to /dev/lpt0.ctl since that will ignore BUSY
> > for the  open.
> one can print using lpt0.ctl? - thx 4 the hint - i'll check this ...

Well, I'm pretty sure you can.
AFAIK the only difference is that lpt0.ctl ignores BUSY on open so lptcontrol 
can use it.

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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