Quoth Yann Golanski on Mon, Aug 15, 2005 at 14:38:05 +0100
> Firefox keeps taking X11 and then the whole machine with it. [...]

Thanks to all those who emailed and offered their suggestions. 

In a fit of rage, I re-installed the whole machine and the problem was
still there.  I then looked into the xorg configuration file and
decided to nuke my old one and re-create a new one.  Changing the
driver for my graphics card from the ati driver to the radeon driver
and reducing the color to 16 made the problem go away.  

So, that's the solution in so far as I see it... I maybe wrong.  If I
am, I'll post another message.  

*sigh* Back to do some real work now.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  -=*=-                      www.kierun.org
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