On Wed, Jul 20, 2005 at 03:57:57PM +0200, Maciej Wierzbicki wrote:
> Gary Mulder wrote on 2005-07-18 23:39:
> >From personal experience I can repeat what Matt has stated. It seems to be 
> >related to what NIC you have. I have had crashes with fxp (Intel Pro 
> >100MBit) and bge (Broadcom Gigabit) NICs under moderate network load.
> It seems not. I had crashes with fxp, xl, bge and em, IIRC.
> >Removing ipf reduced but did not eliminate the crashes.
> Removing IPF elimitated crashes in every case of my SMP boxes.

Folks, you're talking about different things:

* Panics with IPF enabled on SMP and any network card (network card is
not relevant for this problem, which is IPF).  This problem is
understood, and the only current solution is 'don't use both of SMP
and IPF'.

* What Gary is talking about, which are apparently panics without IPF
enabled on several NICs.  Since this is a new problem, Gary needs to
do some additional diagnosis work so that someone can investigate

Let's try to keep the issue clear :-)


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