On Tue, Jun 28, 2005 at 07:17:39PM +0200, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
> # [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2005-06-28 13:03:04 -0400:
> > On Tue, 2005-06-28 at 18:39 +0200, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
> >
> > My apologies if it wasn't clear, but I was responding to your apparent
> > assertion that location does not matter in disk performance benchmarks.
>     We seem to have a misunderstaning, I didn't mean anything like that.
> > >     I just wish people here were less defensive, that's all.
> > 
> > What you see as being defensive I see as being rigorous.  If someone is
> > making a claim based upon a performance benchmark, people will quiz the
> > person conducting the benchmark to ascertain exactly how it has been
> > undertaken.  To put any stock in a benchmark result, it is important to
> > be able to convince yourself it is a meaningful result.  Well, at least
> > most people I've encountered believe that to be the case.
>     Say I install FreeBSD (using default partitions), install MySQL from
>     a package on the CD, run a stress test, collect numbers, then
>     repeat the process with a Linux installed over the previous FreeBSD
>     installation, and find out that FreeBSD allows the MySQL server
>     process 1/3 queries less, what (if anything) will be wrong in my
>     claim that MySQL/FreeBSD is slower than MySQL/Linux?

We care about why MySQL appears to be slower, how to improve the situation,
and not numbers from poorly done benchmarks which ignored the effect of
debugging options, version, disk mount options, etc., which is IMHO

Maybe a key feature of the new FreeBSD installer would be to automatically
tune the user's system (including kernel and other loader/sysctl tunings)
according to installed ports :-)

To make benchmarks a help provided to improve FreeBSD, a better start would
be to run MySQL with profiling options compiled in, to find out the
bottleneck and report them (maybe with patches if you have some idea).

Xin LI <delphij frontfree net>  http://www.delphij.net/
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