There is another alternative to just doing the cvsup...
Kövesdán Gábor wrote:
Maher Mohamed wrote:
how can i upgrade my cvsup weekly with an auto way?
You should use crondaemon. Place the following line to the end of
15 4 * * 6 root cvsup /some/path/to/supfile
The number six represents the sixth day of the week, the 15 is the
minute number and the second is the hour, thus this will run on every
Friday (if I remember correctly, I'm not sure the numbering starts with
Sunday) at 4:15.
This is an essential part, but I decided to take the next step. Not only
do I get the updated cvsup, but I check for changes...
cvsup -l (as root)
0 21 * * * /usr/local/bin/getupdates > /var/log/updates.log 2>
This runs daily at 9pm with a log of the activity in
/var/log/updates.log and an error report in /tmp/updates.err
getupdates: (set this as executable chmod 755)
# get the updated sources
cd /usr/src
/usr/local/bin/cvsup -g stable-supfile
# get the updated ports tree
cd /usr/ports
/usr/local/bin/cvsup -g ports-supfile
# get the updated ports index
make fetchindex
# rebuild the list of changes, i.e. ports that have updates available
/usr/sbin/pkg_version -v | grep "<" > updates
exit 0
In the morning I simply go to the ports directory and issue:
more updates
to find out which ports have been affected. I can then use portupgrade
<portname> as required.
As a bonus, I can also run getupdates at any time to recheck the updates.
Gábor Kövesdán
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