On Sun, 2005-06-26 at 17:42 -0700, Leland wrote:

> I thought the '-p1'  would have the least number of changes to test cvsup.
> Changed my 'base' and 'prefix' to match your cvs-supfile, thanks.
> Using a fresh 4.11 installed all, running the following cvs-supfile still
> gets 28988
> "C  " entries in the  checkouts.cvs:RELENG_4_11 file.
> #  cvsup -g -L 2 cvs-supfile-src
> #
> *default host=cvsup9.us.FreeBSD.org
> *default base=/var/cvsup
> *default prefix=/usr/local/etc/cvsup
> *default release=cvs tag=RELENG_4_11
> *default date=2005.
> *default delete use-rel-suffix
> *default compress
> src-all

Taken from 'man cvsup':

This specifies a directory under which cvsup will maintain
its bookkeeping files, describing the state of each collec-
tion on the client machine.  The base directory must already
exist; cvsup will not create it.  The default base directory
is /usr/local/etc/cvsup.

This is the directory under which updated files will be
placed.  By default, it is the same as base.  If it is not an
absolute pathname, it is interpreted relative to base.  The
prefix directory must already exist; cvsup will not create

The base directory will contain the status files of cvsup. But prefix is
the important options since it sets the directory name where the real
files will be stored that you want to update.

The source code of FreeBSD is usually located in /usr/src , so make sure
you have installed the source of 4.11-RELEASE from the CD or from an
ftp-server using sysinstall. If cvsup does not find any files to update
in the prefix-folder, it will download ALL new files. This is probably
what happend to you.

*default prefix=/usr

and get rid of the date-line, it should work now and why update to an
outdated version if there is no need to.

Have fun.


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