hi , I could not findout the  "# cd /usr/src/lib/libpthread" as your
answer bellow ,please help me to fix this problem

On 6/21/05, Peter Jeremy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-Jun-21 09:16:30 +0700, Khanh Cao Van wrote:
> >My custom use freeBSD 4.7 release and ask me to install JDK1.4 on it .
> >But when I use ports to compile JDK , the system show me a message :
> >
> >You must have a version of FreeBSD later than 4.7-STABLE February 2003
> >or 5-CURRENT February 2003 to compile and use JDK 1.4.2.
> JDK 1.4 requires some threading changes that were (presumably)
> introduced in February 2003.  Looking back at the CVS commit logs,
> there were a large number of changes to the threading library during
> January and February 2003 and it's not clear exactly what fixes
> JDK is relying on.
> If the only problem with JDK is the threading library, you may be able
> to get JDK1.4 running by just upgrading libpthread to 4-STABLE:
> # cd /usr/src/lib/libpthread
> upgrade just this tree to 4-STABLE using whatever method you prefer
> # make clean
> # make all
> # make install
> I can't guarantee that this will work but it is probably your only
> option to get JDK 1.4 working without doing a full upgrade.
> >So I have to update my 4.7 release to 4.7 stable . But I do not know
> >how to do make it . I've looking everywhere but could not find any
> >clear document about it . Please help me !
> 4.7-STABLE is not a fixed package.  It refers to the RELENG_4 CVS
> branch between the time that RELENG_4_7 was branched and RELENG_4_8
> was branched (ie betweem 4.7-RELEASE and 4.8-RELEASE).  It is not
> really practical to update to 4.7-STABLE once 4.8 has been released.
> >PS : I'm not going to upgrade my kernel 4.7 to 4.8 or anything else ,
> >just 4.7 only . Thank for reading !
> Note that 4.7 is no longer supported by the FreeBSD project and I would
> strongly recommend that you consider upgrading.  In particular, security
> fixes are unlikely to be applied to 4.7.
> Upgrading userland without upgrading the kernel is not supported in
> general.
> --
> Peter Jeremy

Cao Van Khanh
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