On 6/20/05, Rong-En Fan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hmm.. after switching from uw-imap to dovecot, this hang seems not exist
> anymore. I'm guessing that possible causes by different locking mechanism
> used by Postfix and uw-imap (flock and fnctl...).

Weird. I run qmail/courier-imap (tried postfix/courier-imap) on that
box. It behaves always the same. Btw. I've mentioned that this weird
hang occurs even with BASE services (sshd, cron, syslog) running (as
you might have noticed from "with /usr/local/etc/rc.d empty").. I'm
quite stuck although I'm planning on hardware update very soon and
move to 5.4-STABLE as well. Anyway, any hint will be very appreciated
by me.

Have a nice evening.

Sincerely yours,
Juraj Lutter
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