Dear Alex and friends:

Thanks a million. And what a relief!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alex Zbyslaw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Benjamin Sher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "FreeBSD-Questions Questions" <>
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 12:41 PM
Subject: Re: After Install -- Where is FreeBSD?

> Benjamin Sher wrote:
> >> Dear friends:
> >> All that's missing now is FreeBSD. After completing my install, I
> >> exited. FreeBSD exited normally, then rebooted. But no sign of
> >> FreeBSD. Instead, Windows came up. I do recall choosing to have a
> >> boot manager but never actually saw the screen and boot-up options.
> >> So, I went back into Free BSD by switching back to the CD in my Bios,
> >> but that's as far as I dare go on my own. What should I do? Am I
> >> missing something?
> >
> I don't know why the boot manager isn't installed, but it's very easy to
> install it again.  Boot from the CD, select Post Installation Config,
> then select the disk Label editor.  Pick the first slice and make it
> bootable (S) then W to write you changes and you are asked if you want
> to install the boot manager.  Say yes.
> Quit out and reboot, taking out the CD.  While I'm getting things to
> work I usually leave the floppy and CD as BIOS boot options before the
> hard disk.  Once I know it all works, I fix the BIOS to look for the
> disk first.  If you don't have a bootable CD or floppy in the drive,
> then the system boots from disk.
> This is from memory, but I'm pretty sure it's correct.  As long as you
> do nothing other than making a slice bootable, then you should do no
> --Alex
> -- 
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