
> The subject says it all ... I'm looking a new server, and right now have 
> built it around the SRCZCRX PCI-X 128MB, since I've had good luck with the 
> Intel RAID controllers with 4.x, and I *really* like the storcon CLI 
> utility ... but, with the move to 5.x, I'm wondering if there is something 
> else I should be looking at, or is this still a good card to go with?

IMHO it's the entire product line of ICP Vortex, now owned
by Adaptec. These cards really rock. Battery backed up cache,
RAID 1+0, driver maintained my company's engineers, yet in
the stock FreeBSD kernel, curses based management utility
to repair arrays without reboot, unattended rebuild if
you exchange a broken disk with a brand new one, same
interface to the host for _all_ products including SATA, ...

Just works. Period.

We use them for typo3.org, wetteronline.de uses them.

I'm in no way affiliated with them, I just like the products.
A lot ;-)

Patrick M. Hausen
Leiter Netzwerke und Sicherheit
punkt.de GmbH         Internet - Dienstleistungen - Beratung
Vorholzstr. 25        Tel. 0721 9109 -0 Fax: -100
76137 Karlsruhe       http://punkt.de
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