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        I'm having troubles with Firefox, Mozilla and Thunderbird when dealing
with file downloading. I would really appreaciate any help from you. Im'
running the latests ports fetched via portsnap and the latest base
system and kernel from RELENG_5 fetched via cvsup.
        I've already submitted this to the port manteiner for Firefox, and to
the ports list, and received no answer. If more information is needed
please let me know. It seems it's not a common problem, so most surely
there's something wrong with my instalation.
        On Firefox and Mozilla the browser just freezes up when using de "Save
Link As", "Save Image As", etc options. Thunderbird freezes when
attaching files and also when saving downloaded attachments to my disk
(in this case, i can choose the filename, but the file is created but
not saved).

        In order to solve this i've been reading old posts, and the only
similar issue i found is the one discussed in
i've already tryed all fixes suggested there.

        I've compiled firefox with debugging in order to submit helpfull
information here. When running with no plugins loaded and with debugging
output when firefox freezes alway the last output i get is:

WARNING: malformed url: no scheme, file nsStandardURL.cpp, line 682

        Where /path is the file i asked firefox to download. For example when
using "save image as" in the start page configured by default with
firefox i get:

WARNING: malformed url: no scheme, file nsStandardURL.cpp, line 682

        I'm actually using Opera as my web browser over the Linux Binary
support, were everything seems to work fine, even the linux flash plugin
wich i couldn't run on firefox (i get the ":Gecko: Fatal IO error 78
(Function not implemented) on X server :0.0." error). I would also like
to fix this sometime but the freezing error seems more important to me
right now.

        The full output of a firefox session where i only open the browser and
try to save an image is


Type Manifest File: /usr/X11R6/lib/firefox/components/xpti.dat
Type Manifest File:
GFX: dpi=70 t2p=0.047619 p2t=21 depth=24
Note: styleverifytree is disabled
Note: frameverifytree is disabled
Note: verifyreflow is disabled

And to STDERR (this one is full of failed assertions and breakpoints, i
hope this is not normal):

###!!! ASSERTION: nsTDependentString must wrap only null-terminated
strings: 'mData[mLength] == 0', file
../../dist/include/string/nsTDependentString.h, line 67
Break: at file ../../dist/include/string/nsTDependentString.h, line 67
^G###!!! ASSERTION: Failed to write xpti manifest!: 'Error', file
xptiInterfaceInfoManager.cpp, line 1937
Break: at file xptiInterfaceInfoManager.cpp, line 1937
^GnsNativeComponentLoader: autoregistering begins.
nsNativeComponentLoader: autoregistering succeeded
###!!! ASSERTION: Failed to write xpti manifest!: 'Error', file
xptiInterfaceInfoManager.cpp, line 1937
Break: at file xptiInterfaceInfoManager.cpp, line 1937
^GnNCL: registering deferred (0)
###!!! ASSERTION: nsTDependentString must wrap only null-terminated
strings: 'mData[mLength] == 0', file
../../dist/include/string/nsTDependentString.h, line 67
Break: at file ../../dist/include/string/nsTDependentString.h, line 67
^GnsNativeComponentLoader: autoregistering begins.
nsNativeComponentLoader: autoregistering succeeded
nNCL: registering deferred (0)
WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) failed, file nsINIParser.cpp,
line 51
nsPermissionManager.cpp, line 623
###!!! ASSERTION: nsTDependentString must wrap only null-terminated
strings: 'mData[mLength] == 0', file
../../dist/include/string/nsTDependentString.h, line 67
Break: at file ../../dist/include/string/nsTDependentString.h, line 67
^GCSS Error
:3.315): Selector expected.  Ruleset ignored due to bad selector.
CSS Error
:4.0): Unexpected end of file while searching for closing } of invalid
rule set.
###!!! ASSERTION: Null encoding type: 'aEncodingType', file
nsExternalHelperAppService.cpp, line 618
Break: at file nsExternalHelperAppService.cpp, line 618
^GWARNING: malformed url: no scheme, file nsStandardURL.cpp, line 682

My make.conf looks like this (full comments stripped):

NO_CPU_CFLAGS=false     # Don't add -march=<cpu> to CFLAGS automatically
NO_CPU_COPTFLAGS=false  # Don't add -march=<cpu> to COPTFLAGS automatically
CFLAGS= -O2 -pipe -funroll-loops #-O2 -march=athlon-xp -pipe
ENABLE_SUID_SSH=        true
NOINET6=        true    # do not build IPv6 related programs and libraries


I have an AMD Semprom processor, but am using i686 because i thought
maybe athlon-xp was being too aggressive and recompiled everything like

make showconfig for firefox:

===> The following configuration options are set for firefox-1.0.4,1:
     DEBUG=on "Build a debugging image"
     LOGGING=on "Enable additional log messages"
     OPTIMIZED_CFLAGS=off "Enable some additional optimizations"
     XFT=on "Enable support for anti-aliased fonts"
     SMB=off "Enable smb:// URI support using gnomevfs"
     NEWTAB=off "Open external links in a new tab"

Thanks in advance for yor help.

- --
Pedro O. Varangot.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (FreeBSD)

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