On Sun, May 29, 2005 at 01:24:01AM +0400, Boris Samorodov wrote:
> Hi!
> What do you think in minor change to /etc/rc.d/var:

Content-Description: patch to /etc/rc.d/var
> --- var.orig  Sun May 29 01:05:47 2005
> +++ var       Sun May 29 01:06:12 2005
> @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
>  #
>  # PROVIDE: var
> -# REQUIRE: mountcritlocal
> +# REQUIRE: mountcritremote
>  . /etc/rc.subr

> If there are no NFS mountpoints at /etc/fstab, both variants are
> equal. But if there are some and the host (which is booting) is a
> diskless station, the change is critical. I was success in booting the
> diskless station (from server with FreeBSD-5.4-RELEASE-p1) only after
> applying this patch.
> I do have at rc.conf.local:
> -----
> varmfs="YES"                                                                  
> populate_var="YES"                                                            
> -----
> But the diskless station didn't boot. It stopped booting with multiple
> errors, which showed that /var was not mounted. Only the patch did the
> right thing.

/var should be mounted before NFS mounts are done if at all possible
because it is where current mounts are recorded.  There are changes in
-current to remove all the /usr requirements except for mtree and to
try to mount /usr if mtree is not yet available.  A merge should happen
before 5.5.

-- Brooks

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