John <Who dealt with being called Farmer John by dweebs who used it _intending_ it to derogatory insult...>
Well with my last name it doesn't even matter in what country/language you are... However I must say (otherwise I would not write to the list anyway) that I can imagine that it gets frustrating when people are begging for your help but don't have the politeness to address you correctly. Post ponding it ten years, hell yes I would definitely at least express my frustration.
Sure there are people having much bigger problem then that (I even knew people who didn't have a official name).
But I seem to fail to see the logic that somebody else's big problem makes an total unrelated other persons problem less annoying, perspective is a nice thing but doesn't usually solve the root if the problem.
Of course Bill expressed himself in his usual writing style which always make me (at least) smile, don't know though if that is intentional or that I have a freaking sense of humor (being born German I don't rule that out).
However in defense I also must say that Paul is not a bad name, I even got it in my middle!
Concluding, if Bill wants to be called Bill, what is the problem with that?
He is not demanding that the next new discovered planet is named after him.
His post has lighten up my day (middle in the night just before getting to bed you bastard!) and even got me to reply on someone saying he should take it more easy.
So I <nod> and move along.
-- mph
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