On Wed, May 04, 2005 at 02:19:13PM +0200, Gerrit Khn wrote:
> Hi folks,
> has anyone used the subject successfully with -stable?
> umass(4) mentions the 8MB version, so I thought 16MB should actually work,
> too. However, when I plug the device in, I just get
> ugen0: Trek Technology ThumbDrive, rev 1.10/1.00, addr 2
> and no umass device.
> usbdevs shows
> port 3 addr 2: full speed, power 40 mA, config 1, ThumbDrive(0x1111), Trek
> Technology(0x0a16), rev 1.00, device ugen0
> Any hints how to make this work?

You _do_ have scsi disk support (device da) enabled in your kernel ?


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