> As you probably noticed, we are a bit behind on the 5.4 release.  There
> was a major stability problem reported several weeks ago in a particlar
> high load, high profile environment, and we decided that it was in
> everyones best interest to get it resolved before the release.  Well,
> thanks to the tireless efforts of Doug White and Stephen Uphoff and
> several others, the bug has been found, fixed, and verified.  As soon
> as it and a few other fixes get merged in, we will start the RC4 build
> process and hopefully release it for testing late this weekend.  After
> that, unless another show-stopper comes up, we expect to build and
> release 5.4-RELEASE next weekend.

Nice to hear. I have a four-way opteron-postgresql-server which is
running low on disk-space, larger disks are right next to my desk,
just waiting :-)

Are there any finer details related to the four-way or larger-bug?

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