> There is this thing I wrote, called the NAA (network authentication appliance)
> http://www.freebsd.uwaterloo.ca/twiki/bin/view/Freebsd/NetworkAuthenticationApp
> liance
> To my knowledge nobody outside of our site uses it.  But we use it
> for all all wireless access at the University of Waterloo.
> It also supports this thing I wrote called the "Toilet Tank Traffic Shaper"
> http://www.freebsd.uwaterloo.ca/twiki/bin/view/Freebsd/ToiletTankTrafficShaper
> which is handy to keep the dvd downloaders in check.
> Installation of the NAA is not yet at the "make; make install"
> stage.  Rather "do all these steps, think, do some more, test,
> hmm, fix this, call the developer, ok it's almost working now".  
> So, you are welcome to contact me if you try the NAA, and get
> stuck. 

We seem to have similar problems :-), I was wondering if you have made any
progress on the VPN front?


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