I am installing PF (packet filter) with authpf on a Prerelease 5.4 and 

I added in

/etc/sysctl.com ---> net.inet.ip.forwarding=1 

/etc/shell  ---> /usr/sbin/authpf


Int= "xl0"
Ext  = "sis0"

scrub in all

# filter
block drop all

pass out quick on $Ext proto tcp from $Int:network flags S/SA \
   modulate state
pass out quick on $Ext proto { udp, icmp } from $Int:network \
   keep state

pass in quick on $Intproto tcp from $Int:network to $Int\
   port ssh flags S/SA keep state

anchor "authpf/*" in on $Int


Int = "xl0"
dns_servers = "{, }"

pass in quick on $Int proto udp from $user_ip to $dns_servers \
   port domain keep state
pass in quick on $Int proto tcp from $user_ip to port { ssh, http, \
   https } flags S/SA keep state

I am getting 

Hello didier, You are authenticated from host ""

when I connect with ssh but it hangs ... I don't get the prompt

any help will be appreciated



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