On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 14:45:56 -0500, J. T. Farmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>On Tue, Mar 22, 2005 at 02:48:37PM +0100, Radek Kozlowski wrote:
> >>It's a common problem with some USB devices. You have to add some
> >>quirk in sys/cam/scsi/scsi_da.c for your player.
> >>
> >>See more information at :
> >>    http://www.root.org/~nate/freebsd/quirks.html
> >>
> >>I've got the same problem with mine, adding the rigth quirk
> >>(DA_Q_NO_SYNC_CACHE for me) solves it. The difficult part is to think
> >>out what to put to capture your player (and not the others ... )
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Adding DA_Q_NO_SYNC_CACHE did the trick, thanks for the tip!
> >
> >-Radek
> >
> >
> Is there any mechanism in place (other than sending a pr) to capture these
> quirks for different devices?  I'm used to having to compile different
> things to get what I want, but truthfully, I would much rather have it just
> work out of the box...
> Also, if the quirks are collected then perhaps that will lead to cleaner
> handling of devices oddities....
The problem is that the developers don't have all of the devices to
test to find theses quirks.  So until someone inserts one of these
malfunctioning devices into there FreeBSD system, we won't know what
quirk needs to be added.

Thus we rely on you to submit the appropriate quirk entry for your
device in a PR.

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