It seems to be a bug when using anything 5.x and above with any Toshiba laptops 
and also some acer models.

I found this:

Unfortunately I haven't managed to find a 'reason' for the occurrence, and im 
new to debugging freebsd and issues such as this, so don't really know where to 
start the investigation myself.  If anyone else can suggest a good start point, 
im happy to test any fixes/patches.

I'm guessing this is a new install (as you wouldn't have been able to perform 
the installation yet, as it crashes on boot, unless its an updated 4.x), try 

When booting (be it from cd, or from hdd), stop the boot by pressing "any other 
key" then at the prompt, type:

set hw.pci.enable_io_modes=0

Once typed, type "boot" (without the "'s obviously) and attempt to continue 
your installation.  Once the system is installed happily, add 
"hw.pci.enable_io_modes=0" (again, without "'s) to /boot/loader.conf.

This should hopefully allow you to boot,

Hope this helps,

Best Regards,

Graham Lilley
Hardware / Network Engineer
Ibex Systems Ltd

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin Oberman
Sent: 11 March 2005 00:34
To: lucas galete
Subject: Re: 5.3 crash on boot 

> Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 21:23:42 -0300
> From: lucas galete <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> i was using the freeBsd 4.x, and it run ok. but now i need install the 
> 5.3 version, but it stop on boot. i think that's something related to 
> ACPI. I  don't know how to disable that.. i tried this: 
> hint.acpi.0.disable="1", but that dont works... a don't know what to 
> do... can someone help me?
> i have an A20 toshiba notebook.

Exactly where does it stop in the boot? Does the kernel load? Is this an
upgrade or a new install? A few more details will be needed to do more
than guess.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
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