Am Samstag, 5. März 2005 02:06 schrieb David Magda:
> On Mar 3, 2005, at 19:20, Emanuel Strobl wrote:
> > If you consider upgrading to 5.4 you can use any onboard chipset or
> > cheap
> > controller card with some geomclasses, namely g_mirror. It's fantastic
> > and
> > the only stateful mirror solution I know. And you can mirror only
> > parts of
> > your disk, or mirror across 3 drives aso. The power of geom :)
> This can be done with 4.x. From atacontrol(8):
>       create   Create a type ATA RAID.  The type can be RAID0 (stripe),

This is not stateful! Nor does it allow to mirror parts of the disk 
(labels/GPT partitions). Also I can't imagen how to mirror across more then 
two disks.
You can't compare those and there are several cases where ata-builtin RAID 
support fails on different controllers.
Also you don't have the "atacontrol addspare" command on 4.x which makes its 
RAID1 function useless on anything but the promise controllers! And he was 
looking for cheap controllers which disqualifies the promise.

>                (mirror), RAID0+1 or SPAN (JBOD).  In case the RAID has a
> Vinum(8) is also available on 4.x.

But vinum isn't statful too. And vinum doesn't provide g_gate for example.


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