I haven't moved up to 5.4-PRERELEASE yet but have had this problem 
since using UC232 adapters w/ 5-stable.  Adding this line to 
uplcom.c seems to help with the read() hang problem:

#define RSAQ_STATUS_CTS 0x80

but I still get a lot of "putc to a clist with no reserved cblocks" 
whenever mgetty restarts coming out of ppp mode.

I heard that it's been fixed on -current; wonder when it'll get to 


On Monday 28 February 2005 09:14, Brandon Fosdick wrote:
> Daniel O'Connor wrote:
> > On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 11:14, Brandon Fosdick wrote:
> >>I'm working on a small app that talks to a device with a FTDI
> >> USB to 232 chip in it. ucom and uftdi seem to detect it just
> >> fine. But calls to read() hang and I'm getting messages like
> >> "putc to a clist with no reserved cblocks" in my kernel logs.
> >> Any idea what this is?
> >
> > What version of FreeBSD?
> Oops, sorry about that.
> 17:14 [EMAIL PROTECTED]>uname -a
> FreeBSD poseidon.bfoz.net 5.4-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 5.4-PRERELEASE
> #6: Sat Feb 26 21:32:38 PST 2005    
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/POSEIDON  i386
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