Julio Capote wrote:
I've been on RELENG_5 for about 1 week now running ULE with PREEMPT.
Recently, I noticed some strange behavior that could be related to
scheduling; usually I leave my computer on all night (doing nothing as I
sleep), But when I'd wake up, and drag a window around, it seems this
sudden rush of input catches the scheduler by surprise and everything is
really slow for about 5 seconds. Its a peculiar type of "slow" since
everything moves smoothly, just 1-2 seconds behind, theres no stuttering
at all. Gkrellm shows my cpu usage to peak for the time its really slow,
and then drop to normal when everything "pops" back into speed. I guess
the best way to describe it would be "bullet time" on your desktop.
Sounds like a feature... ;-)

Seriously, though:
I recently tried ULE+PREEMPTION on a few machines and got some panics on my SMP box (http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-stable/2005-February/011951.html). My UP machines haven't done anything too strange, though. *shrug* Getting a lot closer, but not quite there yet...

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