From: Takahashi Yoshihiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: UPDATE: ATA mkIII first official patches - please test!
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2005 21:08:05 +0900 (JST)

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Søren Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > >>>2. A geometry translation for pc98 is NOT enough.
> > >>>
> > >>>   Currently, it works only under 4.3GB disk.
> > 
> > Wrong, ATA mk3 does solve the problem but using the "current" geomtry 
> > set in the drives by the BIOS. However the code missed it in one place 
> > in ata-lowlevel.c when the code was moved there from ata-disk.c.
> > This has been fixed and will be present in the next snapshot as I sadi 
> > earlier.
> ATA-mkIII does NOT completely solve the problem.
> The word 54-58 of the IDENTIFY DEVICE parameter are valid only up to
> ATA/ATAPI-5.  They are obsolete parameters in ATA/ATAPI-6 and later.
> So using them for a geometry translation has NO effect for recent
> disks.

That would explain why all the disks that I tried worked with the
IDENTIFY DEVICE patches I posted elsewhere (from 1.6G to 120G).  I
don't have any ata6 disks.  That's one mystery solved. :-)

> The following is the result when use SATA 200GB disk on pc98.  It is
> clearly that recognizing a geometry fails.
> atapci0: <SiI 3114 SATA150 controller> port 
> 0xc000-0xc00f,0x602c-0x602f,0x6030-0x6037,0x6028-0x602b,0x6020-0x6027 mem 
> 0x20411000-0x204113ff irq 10 at device 17.0 on pci0
> ad4: <ST3200822AS/3.01> ATA-6 disk at ata2-master
> ad4: 190782MB (390721968 sectors), 387621 C, 16 H, 63 S, 512 B
> ad4: 16 secs/int, 1 depth queue, SATA150
> BIOS Geometries:
>  1:1778ffff 0..6008=6009 cylinders, 0..255=256 heads, 1..255=255 sectors

Is this the geometry that the PC98 BIOS uses?

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