On Monday 14 February 2005 22:00, Artem Kuchin wrote:
> Um.. I just have read tutorial about PPPoE and did not find anything about
> matching IP and MAC addresses.  So, if i use PPPoE i still need to do
> static ARP (i did not undestrand, how i somebody can match mac and ip
> with static arp except that he actually get the physical NIC from
> somebody's computer). Also, as i see, users on PPPoE can login from any
> computer and get their IP address.It will not work because of static arp,
> but still, there are getting their address. And the last thing, if i am to
> migrate to PPPoE this basically means i will need to give up DHCP, because
> PPP will serve IPs, not DHCP. Right?

It is not that trivial to change MAC. Here's good FreeBSD-specific example:

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