On Sun, Feb 06, 2005 at 03:01:49PM +0000, Chris wrote:
> 4 - compatiblity, I remember using 5.2.1 and pretty much all software
> worked well in that and then they did the bind defaulting to base and
> libs version jump, why wasnt this done in 5.0 so 3rd party apps could
> adjust, now we have a situation where most stuff that worked in 4.x
> worked well in 5.1 and 5.2.1 but then broke in 5.3 so effectively 5.3
> was liek a new major version over 5.2.1.

I haven't seen much trouble with the rest, but my way of handling the above
was to take the entire shared library complement from 4.x and load it in a
"compat" directory, then add that to the ldconfig set.

I am still running a whole host of application binaries (indeed, probably 
80% of them) on 4.x code.

No problems so far.

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