Hash: SHA1

On Fri, Feb 04, 2005 at 01:41:39PM -0800, Kevin Oberman wrote:
> > Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2005 16:29:03 -0500
> > From: Scott Robbins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> > Hash: SHA1
> > 
> > 
> > They do conflict with each other, I'm not sure what will happen if you
> > have both in rc.conf.  Hopefully ntpdate will run first, then ntpd.  If
> > ntpd is running then you will get an error message running ntpdate.
> > 
> > On an unsecured box (the one that I mentioned, where ntpd choked because
> > the BIOS clock was too far off, I simply stopped ntpd, ran ntpdate and
> > then restarted ntpd.
> They do not conflict if you use the flags in defaults/rc.conf.
> ntpdate -b sets the time ONCE and is run before ntpd starts, the '-b'
> option will cause it to to set the time absolutely no matter hao far off
> the clock is at the time. This is exactly how ntpdate is intended to be
> used.
> That said, ntpdate is considered obsolete by the ntp folks and may
> disappear at some time in the future. Their recommendation is to use
> ntpd with the '-g' flag to force an unconditional clock set and to use
> the 'iburst' option on your servers in /etc/ntp.conf. I find this works
> well, but some have complained that it takes too long.
Thank you.  I have been using ntpd for awhile, and haven't read the man
pages recently, which I should have done before posting.  I only ran
into the issue once and solved it as I mentioned.

Thanks again.  I just learned something.

- -- 


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Buffy: No, but, see, Mom, that doesn't really work for me. We're 
just going to the magic shop, no school supplies there. 
Dawn: Yeah, Mom. I'm not going to Hogwarts. (chuckles) Hog- 
(looks at Buffy, who's not amused) Jeez, crack a book sometime.
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