On Thu, Jan 20, 2005 at 08:17:40AM -0800, Darryl Okahata wrote:
> Karl Denninger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > These two are DiamondMax10s - let's hope that this doesn't apply to that 
> > line as well.
>      Out of curiosity, why didn't you consider Seagate ?  The recent
> Maxtors that I have, if run 24x7, seem to die just after the warranty
> expires (for me, just over a year).  I'm now switching back to Seagate,
> as they now have a nice 5-year warranty, but I don't have much
> experience with these new drives.

The Maxtors I'm getting have 3-year warranties.

Seagate's have been getting very poor performance reviews of late.....

....of course a drive that pukes is worse than one that is slow!

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