Rick Updegrove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> This machine runs 4.11-STABLE just fine.  I can make buildworld all day.
>   Before that it ran Win2k for many months with no problems.  For these
> reasons, I do not suspect hardware at this point.
> When I install 5.3-RELEASE it runs fine until...
> When I attempt to cvsup to STABLE and run make buildworld (yes with and
> without the -j) it crashes.
> I am very bad at kernel debugging because FreeBSD 4 has (almost)
> always been perfectly stable so I have read and re-read the handbook
> and I am trying to get more information to the list.
> So far in rc.conf I added:
> dumpdev="/dev/ad0s1b"
> DUMPDIR="/usr/crash"

That should be "dumpdir", not "DUMPDIR".  
The default would be /var/crash instead of /usr/crash.
Also, /dev/ad0s1b has to be bigger than your RAM size.

> Then I
> chmod 700 /usr/crash
> Then in /boot/loader.conf I added
> verbose_loading="YES"
> boot_verbose="YES"
> Does this look reasonable?

Pretty much.

> What else should I do?

You can try to analyze the panic messages themselves.
There is some guidance for this in the FAQ.

> Meanwhile, I started the make buildworld again (right where it left off)
> and I am waiting for it to crash.
> You can find the dmesg and anything else I find at
> http://rick.updegrove.net/FreeBSD/jan-10-2005/
> While I was writing this the make buildworld failed and left me some
> details which I put into a file named gcc-error-1 file at
> http://rick.updegrove.net/FreeBSD/jan-10-2005/gcc-error-1

Hardware problems would be my first suspicion here.
If you try it again, does it fail in the same place?

> Then I rebooted and went into X and soon I got
> http://rick.updegrove.net/FreeBSD/jan-10-2005/panic_kdeinit.txt
> There is nothing in /usr/crash/
> I cant find any files name vmcore anywhere.
> I noticed that on the new 5.3-RELEASE SYSTEM if I do not have a
> half-failed "make buildworld" I can install packages with pkg_add -r
> whatever all day long and the machine (and KDE) runs fine.

There shouldn't be any relationship between the two...
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