
I'm testing Xfce 4.2-RC3, but it has following problems at startup:

---------------- .xsession-errors
_IceTransmkdir: ERROR: euid != 0,directory /tmp/.ICE-unix will not be created.
_IceTransSocketUNIXCreateListener: mkdir(/tmp/.ICE-unix) failed, errno = 2
_IceTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: failed to create listener for local
xfce4-session: Unable to establish ICE listeners: Cannot establish any 
listening sockets

Then I create /tmp/.ICE-unix, which still does not make Xfce happy:

---------------- .xsession-errors
_IceTransmkdir: ERROR: Mode of /tmp/.ICE-unix must be set to 1777
_IceTransSocketUNIXCreateListener: mkdir(/tmp/.ICE-unix) failed, errno = 1
_IceTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: failed to create listener for local
xfce4-session: Unable to establish ICE listeners: Cannot establish any 
listening sockets

The patch below from Pawel Worach solves the problem.



Index: etc/rc.d/cleartmp
RCS file: /export/ctm/cvs/src/etc/rc.d/cleartmp,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -r1.11 cleartmp
--- etc/rc.d/cleartmp   7 Oct 2004 13:55:25 -0000       1.11
+++ etc/rc.d/cleartmp   5 Nov 2004 20:18:12 -0000
@@ -35,5 +35,5 @@
  # restarting X
  rm -f /tmp/.X[0-9]-lock
-rm -fr /tmp/.X11-unix
-mkdir -m 1777 /tmp/.X11-unix
+rm -fr /tmp/.X11-unix /tmp/.font-unix /tmp/.ICE-unix
+mkdir -m 1777 /tmp/.X11-unix /tmp/.font-unix /tmp/.ICE-unix

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