On Sun, Jan 02, 2005 at 02:22:27PM +0100, Roland Smith wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 02, 2005 at 01:17:37PM +0100, Harald Weis wrote:

> Sometimes the device that gets noticed by usbd is not the device that
> you eventually want. For instance, I have a usb pendrive. When I plug it
> in, usbd sees a device called umass0. But what I'm interested in is the
> adXsY device that represents the partition on the drive. So in this case
> usbd isn't very helpful.
and you would see it in dmesg ?

> I've asked this before, but you never answered; If you plug in the
> scanner in a running system, do you see it in the 'dmesg' output?


[Very sorry for not having replied to that question before. I have simply 
repressed it (verdrängt in German) because sane, scanimage and last not least 
usbd clearly proved - to my troubled mind - that the scanner was not attached 
and I was subconsciously convinced that dmesg signals only events during system 
startup. This is how I used it up to now. I still don't know what `core file' 
and `name list' or `kernel image' exactly means.]
> If you do _not_ get a message like:
> uscanner0: EPSON EPSON Scanner, rev 1.10/3.02, addr 2
> in your dmesg after you plug in the scanner, I'd say that your kernel
> doesn't recognize the scanner for some reason. This would be a bug in 4.x.

So I've got a long-standing bug (on two different boxes and several releases 
starting in 2001)
Very strange that I'd be the only case in this world. I couldn't find anything 
in the mailing list archives.
> If it does appear, the scanner is found by the kernel. If the scanner
> does not work in this case, what exactly is the reported error? If
> you've not running devfs, and the scanner wasn't available at boot time,

devfs does not exist on 4.x

> maybe the the device node was never created? Can you confirm that the
> device node for the scanner exists if you boot up without the scanner
> present?

Yes, I confirm definitely.
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