Kevin Oberman said:

> OK. A couple of basics:
> 1. What version are you running? I'm guessing 5.3-Stable.
> 2. Does /boot/loader.conf disable ACPI? How about /boot/device.hints?
>    (hw.acpi.0.disabled="1")

It is 5.3-STABLE (from Jan 1). The values in /boot are all default.

> It looks like you are starting ACPI which will block apm even if it is
> in the kernel. Since APM never really starts, no /dev/apmctl is created
> and ampd can't start without /dev/apmctl. (Note: You will nave /dev/apm
> with either APM or ACPI.)
> Do you want/need to run with APM? On older hardware it is often much
> more stable than ACPI, but on newer hardware it is often getting pretty
> limited and may be vanishing completely in some cases. ACPI is the way
> of the future and, for new hardware may be the only way the system will
> run, but, if your system does OK on APM, it may be a safer way to go for
> laptops in particular. (I run ACPI on my laptop, but I may just be a bit
> crazy.)

Ok, i think i may be confsed here. This is a recent (~1 year old) laptop,
but basically i want the os to support all the power managment functions,
be able to see the battery status, supsend/resume, etc. Is apmd not
required for this?


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