
The freeze just happened again. I managed to get into the debugger and get 
some info. Since I haven't been able to aqcuire the equipment for a 
serial console connection yet, I've made pictures again. Unfortunately, 
my system doesn't support wide console modes, so it's a tad annoying to 


Note that at this point, the system is not yet completely frozen. Creating 
new processes no longer works, that can be observed by the hanging login 
at the very top (I've left it like this for about 10 seconds). After the 
debugging session, I switch back to the X11 session, and then found 
myself unable to get back to ttyv0 (or any other tty for that matter), 
and thus, unable to enter the debugger again.

The first app that froze as far as I could tell was xmms.

I hope you can gain some insight from this.


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