Garance A Drosihn wrote:
At 9:49 PM +0100 12/9/04, Søren Schmidt wrote:

I'm going to work on it soon thats for sure, however I have lots on the burner currently so its no rush. However all kinds of (S)ATA/ATAPI gear is always most welcome here in the lab, the levels of support I can provide is directly proportional to the amount of HW I have access to :)

I am not great at mailing things. My sister is still waiting for me to mail her christmas presents for *last* year... Do you have a paypal account? I could send some money that way, and then you could get whatever devices seem the most important to the work you have been doing. That way you might get something from me before SATA becomes obsolete...

Well, you probably should take care of your sister first :)
And no I dont have a paypal account, so far I've got by fine without it, by using other means as checks, wiretransfers etc etc...



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