On Wed, 2004-11-17 at 23:57 +0100, Emanuel Strobl wrote:
> Dear best guys,
> I really love 5.3 in many ways but here're some unbelievable transfer rates, 
> after I went out and bought a pair of Intel GigaBit Ethernet Cards to solve 
> my performance problem (*laugh*):
> (In short, see *** below)
> Tests were done with two Intel GigaBit Ethernet cards (82547EI, 32bit PCI 
> Desktop adapter MT) connected directly without a switch/hub and "device 
> polling" compiled into a custom kernel with HZ set to 256 and 
> kern.polling.enabled set to "1":
> (/samsung is ufs2 on /dev/ad4p1, a SAMSUNG SP080N2)
>  test3:~#7: dd if=/dev/zero of=/samsung/testfile bs=16k
>  ^C10524+0 records in
>  10524+0 records out
>  172425216 bytes transferred in 3.284735 secs (52492882 bytes/sec)
> ->
>                                                  ^^^^^^^^ ~ 52MB/s
> NFS(udp,polling):
> (/samsung is nfs on test3:/samsung, via em0, x-over, polling enabled)
>  test2:/#21: dd if=/dev/zero of=/samsung/testfile bs=16k
>  ^C1858+0 records in
>  1857+0 records out
>  30425088 bytes transferred in 8.758475 secs (3473788 bytes/sec)
> ->                                                ^^^^^^^ ~ 3,4MB/s
> This example shows that using NFS over GigaBit Ethernet decimates performance 
> by the factor of 15, in words fifteen!
> GGATE with MTU 16114 and polling:
>  test2:/dev#28: ggatec create /dev/ad4p1
>  ggate0
>  test2:/dev#29: mount /dev/ggate0 /samsung/
>  test2:/dev#30: dd if=/dev/zero of=/samsung/testfile bs=16k
>  ^C2564+0 records in
>  2563+0 records out
>  41992192 bytes transferred in 15.908581 secs (2639594 bytes/sec)
> ->                                                 ^^^^^^^ ~ 2,6MB/s
> GGATE without polling and MTU 16114:
>  test2:~#12: ggatec create /dev/ad4p1
>  ggate0
>  test2:~#13: mount /dev/ggate0 /samsung/
>  test2:~#14: dd if=/dev/zero of=/samsung/testfile bs=128k
>  ^C1282+0 records in
>  1281+0 records out
>  167903232 bytes transferred in 11.274768 secs (14891945 bytes/sec)
> ->                                                  ^^^^^^^^ ~ 15MB/s
> .....and with 1m blocksize:
>  test2:~#17: dd if=/dev/zero of=/samsung/testfile bs=1m
>  ^C61+0 records in
>  60+0 records out
>  62914560 bytes transferred in 4.608726 secs (13651182 bytes/sec)
> ->                                                ^^^^^^^^ ~ 13,6MB/s
> I can't imagine why there seems to be a absolute limit of 15MB/s that can be 
> transfered over the network
> But it's even worse, here two excerpts of NFS (udp) with jumbo Frames 
> (mtu=16114):
>  test2:~#23: mount /samsung/
>  test2:~#24: dd if=/dev/zero of=/samsung/testfile bs=1m
>  ^C89+0 records in
>  88+0 records out
>  92274688 bytes transferred in 13.294708 secs (6940708 bytes/sec)
> ->                                                 ^^^^^^^ ~7MB/s
> .....and with 64k blocksize:
>  test2:~#25: dd if=/dev/zero of=/samsung/testfile bs=64k
>  ^C848+0 records in
>  847+0 records out
>  55508992 bytes transferred in 8.063415 secs (6884055 bytes/sec)
> And with TCP-NFS (and Jumbo Frames):
>  test2:~#30: mount_nfs -T /samsung/
>  test2:~#31: dd if=/dev/zero of=/samsung/testfile bs=64k
>  ^C1921+0 records in
>  1920+0 records out
>  125829120 bytes transferred in 7.461226 secs (16864403 bytes/sec)
> ->                                                 ^^^^^^^^ ~ 17MB/s
> Again NFS (udp) but with MTU 1500:
>  test2:~#9: mount_nfs /samsung/
>  test2:~#10: dd if=/dev/zero of=/samsung/testfile bs=8k
>  ^C12020+0 records in
>  12019+0 records out
>  98459648 bytes transferred in 10.687460 secs (9212633 bytes/sec)
> ->                                                 ^^^^^^^ ~ 10MB/s
> And TCP-NFS with MTU 1500:
>  test2:~#12: mount_nfs -T /samsung/
>  test2:~#13: dd if=/dev/zero of=/samsung/testfile bs=8k
>  ^C19352+0 records in
>  19352+0 records out
>  158531584 bytes transferred in 12.093529 secs (13108794 bytes/sec)
> ->                                                  ^^^^^^^^ ~ 13MB/s
> GGATE with default MTU of 1500, polling disabled:
>  test2:~#14: dd if=/dev/zero of=/samsung/testfile bs=64k
>  ^C971+0 records in
>  970+0 records out
>  63569920 bytes transferred in 6.274578 secs (10131346 bytes/sec)
> ->                                                ^^^^^^^^ ~ 10M/s
> Conclusion:
> ***
> - It seems that GEOM_GATE is less efficient with GigaBit (em) than NFS via 
> TCP 
> is.
> - em seems to have problems with MTU greater than 1500
> - UDP seems to have performance disadvantages over TCP regarding NFS which 
> should be vice versa AFAIK
> - polling and em (GbE) with HZ=256 is definitly no good idea, even 10Base-2 
> can compete
> - NFS over TCP with MTU of 16114 gives the maximum transferrate for large 
> files over GigaBit Ethernet with a value of 17MB/s, a quarter of what I'd 
> expect with my test equipment.
> - overall network performance (regarding large file transfers) is horrible
> Please, if anybody has the knowledge to dig into these problems, let me know 
> if I can do any tests to help getting ggate and NFS useful in fast 5.3-stable 
> environments.

I am very interested in this as I have similar issues with the re
driver.  It it horrible when operating at gigE vs. 100BT.  Have you
tried plugging the machines into a 100BT instead?


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