I am using a Toshiba Tecra 730XCDT, a 150MHz Pentium laptop.
It has a ToPIC 95B Cardbus controller. The BIOS can place the
controller into "PCIC-compatible" or "Cardbus/16-bit" modes.

In Cardbus mode, my 3com 3c3FE575CT 100mbit card works fine.

However my two wireless cards, an Orinoco Gold and an SMC 2532W-B,
give the following message upon insertion:

  CIS is too long -- truncating
  pccard0: card has no functions
  cbb0: PC Card card activation failed

"pccardc dumpcis" says "0 slots found"

In PCIC-compatible mode, FreeBSD does not recognize the card

The wi cards work OK under PCIC mode in NetBSD 1.6.2.
The 3com card does not. NetBSD does not seem to work
with them in cardbus mode.

Thanks in advance for any help

Joe Koberg
joe at osoft dot us

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