
is this issue fixed yet? i didnt see any commits to the ipfilter code.
On 8/13/2004 8:09 PM, Bernhard Valenti wrote:
> hi,
> i just updated from 4.8 to 4.10-stable(from today). i noticed that i
> can't ping the machine. ping doesnt work either. when i flush
> my ipfilter rules (that are unchanged since the update) ping works. now
> i added the "log" option to *all* block rules in my ipfilter config.
> there are no blocked packets being logged when i try to ping. i also
> added "pass in quick on lo0" right on top of my config, but ping still
> doesnt work. TCP and UDP connection appear to work fine.
> i suppose this is some kind of bug with IP Filter.
> anyone having similar issues?
> regards,
> bernhard

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