Jesper Wallin wrote:


I've finally installed and configured my freebsd system to work as I want as a
workstation.. I've been running it for like 2-3 days and rebooted a couple of times for
different reasons.. Today, when I started XFree86 4.3.0 with Xfce4, it starts normally,
but as soon as I tried to start any programs from the menu/panel, it's crashing and I
get a "Unable to read from thread kernel pipe" error..

I've tried deinstalling and recompiling any xfce4 programs/components, yet, I have the
same error.. I've also seen some people on google having the same problem, but yet no
solution to the error..

What is causing this and how can I solve/prevent it from happening again?

i have the same problem since i updated xfce 4.0.5 to 4.0.6. it looks like it has been solved with recompiling kernel from cvs sources.

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