
What server board do you then prefere ?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Aaron Wohl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Carsten Jonstrup" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2004 6:56 PM
Subject: Re: Intel� Server Board SE7501WV2

We have two of these.  They are a lot of trouble.  Id find a different

- at boot one or both processors will drop offline sometimes (the bios
says the processor failed the test) if you use bios setting to retest
they are fine

-if you power off with IPMI then back on its not the same as unpluging
and pluging it in again, if its flaking out you need to actualy unplug it

- if you hook up a crash cart with a keyboard and monitor the keyboard
cant type in. It can only see a keyboard at boot  time

- intel has a list of approved PCI-X cards which is pretty small.  If its
being flakey and you have any card in the buss not on the list they wont
help you.

- the serial console for the bios is rather limited.  for example the
raid controller we had wanted us to type the insert key to add a drive to
a raid.  but the serial console has no way to type an insert key

- if any disk is added or removed (hot swap disk for example) it resets
the boot order to enable network boot on both of the built in ethernets.
Intel tech support it HAD to workt that way.  So if your using one of
these on an undfriendly network segment it can be taken over at boot

- if you have a PCI video card installed then remove it the rom locks up
at boot.  all the other motherboards ive tried in such a case switch back
to the internal video automaticly.

- it can suposedly boot off of a USB cdrom... its a supported feature
according to thier tech support.  However they dont list any supported
USB cdrom drive.  They dont know which one they tested it with.  We
bought all the USB cdroms compusa sells and tried each one in turn and it
wont boot off any of them.

-The intel IPMI in the bios for remote control doesnt work over vpn.  I
dont know if thats a bug or feature of IPMI

-IPMI for bios screen redirection doesnt work

-Its very senstitive to order of which PCI card is in which slot... even
with only one intel approved card on the bus.

On Sat, 6 Mar 2004 18:13:18 +0100, "Carsten Jonstrup" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello.
> Can anybody say ok for the Intel� Server Board SE7501WV2
> We plan to install FreeBSD 5.2.1.
> Thanks
> Carsten J
> Denmark
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