
> I just installed 5.1 release and I usually cvsup to stable but I'm not sure
> there is a stable version yet.

There is always -STABLE. It's about to feature the 4.9 release. 5.x is
still -CURRENT.

> should I bother with cvsuping?

cvsup is a great way to get updates.

> I have always followed the stable track..

So why install a -CURRENT snapshot [aka. "New Technology Release"]? FWIW,
5.x will become -STABLE quite soon, so you may want to stick with it
through the transition.

As always, see the web site for release details[1].


| -Andrew J. Caines-   Unix Systems Engineer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
| "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary |
|  safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" - Benjamin Franklin, 1759 |
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