If memory serves me right, Julian Stacey wrote:
> Reference:
> > From:               "David A. Gobeille" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > Date:               Fri, 04 Apr 2003 18:21:00 -0600 
> > Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> "David A. Gobeille" wrote:
> > I noticed that there were quite a few files with version ids of 
> > '$FreeBSD$' when I ran mergemaster after an install of 4.8R.  This isn't 
> I read tags were reworked.  Prob. you'r working from old sources,
> & It'll rectify if you wait a day & then { refresh your CVS
> tree & re-export src/ } or { if src/ from a .iso, check your MD5,
> & refetch from local mirror if old }, then remake.

I think I explained this in a prior posting to this list, but what
happened was that the $FreeBSD$ CVS keywords didn't get expanded the
first time we tried to build a release.  mergemaster hates this, as
the original poster discovered.  For this and other reasons, we
considered this a showstopper and rebuilt the release; when we did, we
also needed to modify one file and slide its CVS tag.

Users updating from sources (e.g. using cvsup or anon CVS) were
probably not affected by this.

> PS I told re@ some hours back that there's no 
>   ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ISO-IMAGES-i386/4.8/CHECKSUM.MD5
> they looked: there is CHECKSUM.MD5 on ftp-master, but it's not made
> it over yet - the servers are very busy: waiting seems best solution :-)

And in my reply to you, I mentioned that I had already put the contents
of CHECKSUM.MD5 (for the i386 ISO images anyways) in the 4.8 errata
file, which is on the Web site.  :-)



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