Hi all,
        probably this is not the mailing list to post to
for this issue. I didn't find the freebsd-usb mailing list :-)
I have problem with FreeBSD 4.8-rc 6 march 2003 and USB Sony
Camcorder (TRV25 with Memory Stick):

The diag messages are:

da0 at umass-sim0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
da0: <Sony Sony Camcorder 2.00> Removable Direct Access SCSI-0 device
da0: 150KB/s transfers
da0: 7MB (15840 512 byte sectors: 64H 32S/T 7C)

The error I get when I do fdisk /dev/da0 is:
da0: reading primary partition table: error reading fsbn 0
umass0: Unsupported RBC command 0x08

A very dirty hack I'd like to try is to add *_6 commands to
umass_rbc_transform() function (0x08 should be READ_6).
Do you think I risk to damage the HW? What would you suggest?
Can I help in any away to add Sony support to FreeBSD?


P.S. please, cc answers directly to my email account.

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